The arcades design, design for the arcades
Via Sacchi in Torino, an experience of urban regeneration.

After the initial stages, the "Living Lab" in Via Sacchi is back, in the form of an autumn workshop open to architecture, design and engineering students who will discuss with experts, administrators and citizens about the possible scenarios for the city of the future, through the lenses of creativity, sustainability and inclusion. We will look for new functions and ways to use the public spaces of the arcades of Via Sacchi (a cultural heritage of the city of Turin) and its opposite side, a wall and facades of buildings that today separate via Sacchi from the Turin Porta Nuova railway area, an equally interesting axis for hosting urban "acupuncture" hypotheses.


The preparatory phases (2017-19) and the first phase (2018) of VIA SACCHI - BELOW AND BEYOND THE ARCADES, the «Call for concept», have allowed an international comparison for students of the University Schools of Architecture, Design, Art, on a real case for the project of urban regeneration: the public space and the system of the arcades of via Sacchi in Turin, defined as the suburbs of the city center, currently in a state of commercial decline.

The second phase (2019), the "Living Lab", is aimed at deepening the scenarios for the city of creativity, sustainability and inclusion with experts, administrators, citizens and selected students. It covers new functions and ways of use, involving the different components of the urban scene of via Sacchi, and developing solutions for the utilization and communication of paths, the equipment and multimedia applications, the new uses.

News & Schedule

Friday 12th October 2018

Press conference

h 18:00, Hotel Genova

July 2019

Launch of the "Living Lab" call for students, promotion

Monday 9 September 2019

Deadline for the Call for Students to participate in the "Living Lab" via Sacchi

13 September 2019

Communication of selected participating students

Monday 23 - Saturday 28 September 2019

"Living Lab" via Sacchi. Seminars, workshops, public debates